Monday, March 30, 2009

Kelly's Heros

This 1970 film was one of my earliest introductions to the concept of Positive Waves. Oddball, played by Donald Sutherland, was a consummate hippy turned tank commander. He constantly talked about the need for positive waves and tried to keep everyone focused on having a postive mindset. Two examples:

Oddball: Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
Moriarty: Crap!

and then

Oddball : Crazy! I mean like so many positive waves maybe we can't lose! You're on!

He knew "The Secret."

So I try to keep focused on the positive, envision the best outcome and believe that it will come to pass. And while one never gets everything one wants, I have been blessed with several great jobs, many wonderful friends and family; a great life in general, and have every reason to believe it will continue.

But my search to ensure a happy 25 years going forward continues. There will be detours, there have been detours. But my initial plan is to give more to others. I think one can get more joy, more reward and greater happiness by focusing on the happiness of others, by givine more than one receives and turning our inward focus to an outward reach. This will require a lot of work on my part. For I am very self centered. But I know it is a big step I need to take to attain true happiness when I am 75.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What are the smallest things that you are most thankful for in your life?

Now, in answering this question, you must eliminate the obvious. Of course you are thankful for your parents, children, spouse, job (Kim especially), pet, and health, but think of the not so obvious. Think of the little things in your life that bring you great joy. Think of something that seems minor, but has great significance in your life, something that brings you joy every time you encounter or experience it.

I want you to reflect on your good fortune and find the things in your life that have beauty, joy, goodness, make you feel good, lift your spirits, etc.

Go for it. And maybe, today, you will bring inspiration to someone else in the world.


My Plan

Twice a week I plan to ask my friends and family to post responses or lists that will provide examples of positive thinking, illustrate the wonders of life and demonstrate an understanding of all that is good on earth.

No negative words are allowed. ONLY postive words and positive thoughts.

Recently, I've allowed too much negativity in my life. And as I lay awake last night, I came up with this concept. So I hope you will participate and it would be my wish that each of us can inspire others or, when we need it, draw inspiration from others.

Look for the first Question/List tomorrow!

Have a great week!
